Leo J. Kohn Photography Collection

Digitization and Preservation Project

Leo J. Kohn was a pivotal figure in Wisconsin aviation history, known for his unparalleled passion for and dedication to documenting aircraft.

He played a key role in the formation of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), becoming its fourth member.

However, it was his work on the ground as a photographer that truly distinguished him.

Read more about Leo in Forward in Flight

His extensive photographic coverage of aircraft from the 1940s, '50s, and beyond, encompassing over 34,000 images, coupled with his meticulous notes on each plane, is a testament to his dedication.

The collection is truly a treasure trove for aviation enthusiasts.

Learn More about Leo & the Photograph Collection

Local & National Significance

General Mitchell Airport - Milwaukee
General Mitchell Airport - Milwaukee
Downtown Milwaukee - Maitland Airstrip
Downtown Milwaukee - Maitland Airstrip
1949 Cleveland National Air Races
1949 Cleveland National Air Races

Famous Airplanes & Incredible Stories

Origins of EAA History

Origins of EAA History, Photo 1
Origins of EAA History, Photo 2
Origins of EAA History, Photo 3

"If you were looking for a photo of an airplane from the 1930s, '40s and beyond, chances are Leo Kohn had it."

Leo Kohn Photo
Open Cockpit
Open Cockpit
General Aviation
General Aviation
World War I
World War I

Meticulously Detailed Index and Metadata

Collect Air Photos Cover
Collect Air Photos Inside
Kohn Master Index Page
The Mike Aircraft - Envelope
The Mike Aircraft - Photo

Modern Digitization Techniques

Ford Tri-Motor
High-resolution digitization of the negatives using modern equipment produces rivet-level detail. See this specific Ford Tri-Motor (N6983) aircraft in-person in the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.
Ford Tri-Motor Zoom

You can help!

You'll be excited to hear about our ambitious plans for this photo collection!

  • We're thrilled to announce that with your help, WAHF will be developing a dedicated public website for the entire collection, which will be accessible to you.
  • The extensive data on the envelopes will make the entire collection easily searchable for you.
  • We're currently working on museum displays, history presentations, and plans to publish a book, all for your enjoyment, education, and personal research.
  • The large size of the negatives allows us to capture and preserve incredibly high-resolution digital images from the source media. These large images are more costly to store and preserve.
Kohn Website Early Proof of Concept
Your generosity is much appreciated for this important mission!

$45,182 raised out of $65,000 goal

Sponsor a Stack of Negatives

Donate $3,000 or more, receive one 8" x 10" printed photo of your choice from the collection.

Donate by Check

Make your check payable to "Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Inc." Please write "Kohn Collection" in the memo of your check and mail to:

WAHF c/o Colleen Weber
240 Marina Ct #10
Waterford, WI 53185

Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Our Federal EIN is: 39-1561425. No goods or services were provided to you in exchange for this gift.


Email us if you have questions or comments about the photo collection, digitization project, donations, or media requests:


Thanks to our Generous Donors

Bill Kohn ⭐

Mary Ellen Kohn-Buday ⭐

Basler Flight Service 🌹

EAA Chapter 1158

EAA Chapter 766

Ken Cook Publishing

Monona Senior Center

NewView Technologies

Zivko Aeronautics 🌹

Camera Casino, Oshkosh

Greg Anderson


Walter Bauer

Jeff Baum 🌹

Joan Bickelhaupt

Terry Blaser

Charles & Luann Boie

Bruce & Rae Botterman

Tom Bouchard 🌹

Dan Brandenstein 🌹

Ethan Brodsky

Krys Brown

Patti Bruha

Hal & Muffy Bryan

Peter Bunce 🌹

Margaret & Larry Burton

Gene Calkins

Dan Coyne

George Crabtree

Andy Crowbridge

George Cudahy 🌹

Tanya Cunningham & Neil Robinson

Kim Davis

Carolyn DeLong

John Dodds

John Dodds - in Memory of WWII Tailgunners

John Dorcey 🌹

Rose Dorcey 🌹

Pete Drahn 🌹

Dee Dreger

Jamey Engels

Lynn Erickson 🌹

Duane Esse 🌹

Harold "Duffy" Gaier 🌹

Debra Gangwish

Chris Gauger

Alan Georgia

Keith Gerard

Darrel W Gibson 🌹

Bill Green

Scott Green

Mal C. Gross

Lena Grover

Kyle Guyette

James Hackman

Peter & Carrie Halbauer

Jim Hamman

Michael R. Hudgins

Richard Hanusa 🌹

Judy Hatz

Tom Hegy 🌹

Jon Helminiak

Joanne Hepp

Tim Hjele

Connie Hofeldt-Rowe

Kyle Hokel

Katie Horton

Dixie Igou

Kimani Jefferson

Peter Jensen

Karen Kalishek

Don Kiel 🌹

Dan Knutson 🌹

Sam Knutson

Gary Kohlhof

Steve & Sharon Krog 🌹

Sandra Krueger

Karen Kuchevar

Ken Kulesha

Bob Kunkel 🌹

Bryan Kust

John LeBarre

Jerry LeBarron 🌹

Hang and Ling Yi

Larry Ludlum

Chris Lussow

Jill Lussow

Andy Maag

Jill Mann

Bob Massie

Keith Mathews

Jason McDowell

Claude McFarlane

Jerry Mehlhaff 🌹

Kurt Mehre

Fr. Bill Menzel

Rachel Mercer

Ann Meyer Schmidt

Joe Moreth

Anika Nelson

Mandi Neumann

Kenyon Nowotny

Tad Oelstrom 🌹

Billy Parker

Henry & Sandi Peterson

Sandi Peterson

Steven Poole

Edward Punjak

Dave Rudd

David Sakrison

Roland Schable

Richard Schmidt 🌹

Howard & Robin Seaborne

Krystyn Secaur

Janis Sierra 🌹

Amy Rabideau & Joe Silvers

Dan & Heidi Silvers

Lisa Simons

Jeff & Barbara Skiles 🌹

Fred Stadler

Michael Stopar

Bill Streicher

Charles Swain 🌹

Jim & Donean Szajkovics 🌹

Jeanne & Tom Thomas 🌹

Erin Thompson

Douglas Tomas

Ron Vandervort

Brad Volker

Peter von Tresckow

Bobbie Wagner 🌹

Dale & Nancy Walker

Jeffrey Ward

Colleen Weber

Pat Weeden

Wynne Williams

Sam Wiltzius

Michelle Wrobleski

Darlene & Phil Yazbak

Nancy Zjaba

Jim Zuelsdorf


Caroline "Blaze" Jensen 🌹

Jim Busha

Brennans Market, Middleton

Eileen Bjorkman

Howard Seaborne

Discover Oshkosh / Wagner's Market


Kelch Aviation Museum

"Jordyn Drawz Planes" Jacobson

Skycom Avionics

Kenosha Plumbing

Michelle "Mace" Curran

Rose Dorcey 🌹

Stein's Aircraft Services LLC


Aviation Soul - Alan & Meredith Johnson


ASA - Aviation Supplies & Academics

Kwik Trip

4ever Creations Studio

Rich Morey

Lightspeed Aviation

Michelle "Mace" Curran

Wausau Flying Service

Tom Culbert

Twin Disc

Cindi Pokorny

Steve Benesh

Jeweler's Bench Jewelry Store

Julie Green

🌹 = Inductee
Navion Aircraft