Rose Dorcey
As a young girl, Rose often saw crop-dusters spraying cranberry bogs near her home outside Wisconsin Rapids. It was this spark that led to Rose becoming a private pilot with an instrument rating, including time logged in a Queen Air and Cessna 414. Rose is the longest serving president of the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame, joining the WAHF Board of Directors in 2001 and elected president in 2004. During her 12 years in leadership as president and director, she was the voice and face of WAHF for much of WAHF's early existence.
Rose began the quarterly WAHF membership newsletter, which she expanded into a professional 36 page, full-color Forward in Flight magazine, featuring aviation writers, photographers, and advertisers who contributed to its success. In 2003, she organized a membership drive, tripling the organization's membership and that same year, produced a centennial of flight book entitled Blue Sky Moments.
Rose's tireless contributions were noted by Women in Aviation International (WAI) in 2015 when she was awarded its Dorothy Hilbert Chapter Volunteer of the Year award. She served as the WAI Oshkosh chapter president, newsletter editor, and organized its annual aviation scholarship fundraising events and has personally provided scholarships through the organization. The Wisconsin Airport Management Association (WAMA) honored Rose in 2010 as Aviation Person of the Year, primarily for her organization and execution of Wisconsin's Centennial of Flight celebrations. In 2006, WAMA awarded Rose the Blue Light Award for "excellence in reporting Wisconsin aviation news and information." Her aviation articles were published in national and international publications, including EAA Sport Aviation magazine.
Rose's volunteer efforts are filled with passion. She helped organize the Children's Miracle Network Balloon Rally in Wisconsin Rapids, has testified before the Wisconsin state legislature in favor of aviation initiatives, and has conducted EAA Young Eagles flights and introductions to flight to family and friends. Rose attended state and national aviation conferences as a presenter and has promoted aviation through podcast, radio, and television appearances. She also served as an FAA FAASTeam Lead Representative.
Her pre-aviation pastimes included tae-kwon-do and motorcycle racing (a two-time national amateur hill climb champion). Her most important and fulfilling role is as a wife, mother, and grandmother.