Howard A. Morey
Died: November 2, 1995
Inducted: 1987
Howard A. Morey is generally recognized as the dean of aircraft dealers and fixed base operators in Wisconsin. He left his home of Birchwood, Wisconsin in 1924 to begin an aviation career that has spanned more than 60 years.
After learning to fly at the Heath Flying School in Chicago, Morey returned to Wisconsin and began barnstorming around the state. In 1926 he purchased a Waco 9 and started Pennco Airport in Madison, Wisconsin. The following year he operated and managed Royal Airways located just southeast of Madison. It was the first airport with permanent buildings and provided the public with the first scheduled flights from Madison to Chicago. He also managed the Madison Municipal Airport (Dane County Regional Airport) from 1938 - 1942. When the Army Air Corps took over the municipal airport in 1942 he started the Morey Airport in Middleton, Wisconsin.
In 1939 Morey began providing civil pilot training (CPT) for University of Wisconsin students. Howard also provided glider training for army aviators which was part of the War Training Service Program which trained 1500 glider pilots.
Morey's public service in the field of aviation has been long and distinguished. In 1924 Governor Goodland called upon Morey to be a member of the Governor's Advisory Board on Aeronautics. Governor La Follette appointed him to the Wisconsin Aeronautics Board in 1937. This group functioned in an advisory capacity only since it had no appropriation. However in 1946 the state legislature created the Wisconsin State Aeronautics Commission and Morey served as its chair from 1947 until 1959.
Morey also served on the Wisconsin Central/North Central Airlines Board of Directors being named to the board on January 14, 1948. He was named Vice President on April 23, 1952 and then served as President and General Manager from January 1, 1953 until March 9, 1954.